Ultrasound-Guided Vascular Access
Fundamentals of UGVA (44 min.)
- Fundamentals of UGVA
- Why use ultrasound guidance?
- Direct vs indirect techniques
- In-plane vs out of plane techniques
- Principles of vessel differentiation and procedural tips
Ultrasound-Guided Central Line Placement (62 min.)
- Ultrasound guided central line placement:
- IJ, axillary/subclavian and femoral vein access
Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Line Placement (47 min.)
- Peripheral Line placement
- Antecubital vein access
- Additional access sites
- Pediatric patient
- Clinical cases
- Ultrasound probe cover demonstration
Upon completion of this enduring material, you should be able to accomplish the following:
- Demonstrate the participant’s knowledge to better perform ultrasound-guided vascular access procedures
- Demonstrate proper transducer manipulation and system optimization to produce diagnostic images
- List the advantages and disadvantages of the “In-Plane” and “Out-of-Plane” and the “Direct” vs. “Indirect” ultrasound-guided vascular access techniques
- Differentiate venous vs. arterial anatomy by ultrasound
- Identify ultrasound imaging characteristics of vessels and contiguous anatomy to determine the optimal approach for vascular access
- Describe ultrasound imaging characteristics of vascular pathology that would indicate a vessel is not suitable for vascular access
- Demonstrate the use of ultrasound guidance for Central Line vascular access
- Demonstrate the use of ultrasound guidance for Peripheral Line vascular access
- Demonstrate competence to incorporate protocols, scan techniques, and interpretation criteria to improve diagnostic/treatment accuracy
Date of Original Release: 6/9/2015
This edition valid for credit through: 6/9/2018
Video Length: 2:33:00
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