- This volume brings together an international group of clinicians and clinical scientists to contribute to a state-of the-art review of the underlying pathogenic mechanisms, methods of clinical assessment, classification and diagnosis of renal disease, combined with a detailed overview of treatment strategies. An essential reference source for all those involved with the care of patients with renal involvement in systemic autoimmune disease, and for those contributing to research into the underlying pathogenic mechanisms in these disorders.
- Â
- File Size:Â 7442 KB
- Print Length:Â 432 pages
- Publisher:Â Elsevier Science; 1 edition (December 14, 2007)
- Publication Date:Â December 14, 2007
- Language:Â English.
- Format:Â Â PDFÂ OriginalÂ
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The Kidney in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases
by Justin C Mason (Editor), Charles Pusey (Editor)
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