Practical Guide to Ovulation Induction 2019 Original PDF
This practical guide is focuses on ovulation induction. Ovulation induction is one of the most crucial steps in the success of ART. Its concept has been changing since the inception of fertility treatment. With the invention of gonadotropins, the ovulation induction protocols have revolutionized. This book consists of 18 chapters, which include physiology of ovulation, assessing ovarian reserve, clomiphene citrate, letrozole, gonadotropins, ultrasound monitoring of art cycle, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, ovulation induction in polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovulation induction in poor responders, mild stimulation in art, ovulation trigger, progesterone in ovulation induction, role of luteinizing hormone in ovulation induction, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, luteal phase defect, hyperprolactinemia, thyroid disorders. This book tried to cover all the possible alternatives of ovulation induction protocols, correlating with different clinical conditions and have tried to compare the pros and cons of each. This book would be a complete and a concise guide for the infertility practitioners to have more precise and clear concepts about different protocols of ovulation induction in patients with different clinical conditions.