Perinatology: Evidence-Based Best Practices in Perinatal Medicine 2021 Original PDF
This book presents the latest evidence-based guidelines for perinatal management and is designed to help obstetricians and neonatologists minimize complications and offer patients the best possible care.
The book is divided into eight main sections: The first examines basic periconceptional care and discusses the ethical aspects of perinatology. The next section focuses on prenatal considerations, such as the nutritional aspects of gestation and puerperium, physical exercise during pregnancy, routine laboratory tests, prenatal care of multiple gestations and the role of the neonatologist in prenatal care. The third and fourth sections then explore fetal evaluation, and clinical intercurrences in pregnancy, respectively. The next section addresses pregnancy complications: prevention, diagnosis and management. The sixth section covers the basic aspects of congenital infections and the seventh examines labor and delivery aspects. Lastly, the final section includes chapters on neonatal assistance.
Written by leading experts in obstetrics, neonatology, and perinatology, this thoroughly updated, comprehensive resource reflects the latest information in all areas, including genetics and imaging.