- Paperback: 650 pages
- Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics; 1 edition (May 13, 2010)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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Pediatric Orthopaedics and Sport Injuries: A Quick Reference Guide 1st Edition
Turn here for concise summaries of disorders and injuries. Proven evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation approaches. Practice-tested tips, and invaluable clinical pearls. Efficiently respond to diverse clinical challenges: Common sports injuries, Trauma, Limb disorders, Spine disorders, Hip and pelvis disorders, Infections, Tumors, Skeletal dysplasias. Plus, you’ll find step-by-step help with musculoskeletal examination and evaluation; casting and splinting; imaging techniques, and rehabilitation strategies. The book features many illustrations, clinical photographs and radiographic images to demonstrate physical examination techniques and pathologic physical findings, as well as tables and figures to aid in diagnosis. Streamline orthopedic problem-solving: Etiology/epidemiology, Signs and symptoms, Differential diagnosis, How to make the diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation, Expected outcomes/prognosis, Coding for proper payment, and when to refer.
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