- Diverse approaches to glottic cancer including radiotherapy, transoral laser surgery, supracricoid laryngectomy (SCL), vertical laryngectomy, transoral laser microsurgery, chemoradiotherapy, and combined SCL and cricohyoidoepiglottopexy.
- Treatment modalities for supraglottic cancers such as transoral laser microsurgery, radiation therapy, and horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy.
- Salvage surgery, preservation protocol, and reconstructive flap techniques including pectoralis major myocutaneous flap, latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap, and antebrachial flap.
- High-quality images accompanying each case enhance clinical understanding of underlying pathologies and surgical approaches.
- Hardcover:Â 208 pages
- Publisher:Â Thieme; 1 edition (December 21, 2018)
- Language:Â English
- ISBN-10:Â 1684200016
- ISBN-13:Â 978-1684200016
- Â
- Format:Â Â PDFÂ OriginalÂ
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Laryngeal Cancer: Clinical Case-Based Approaches PDFÂ
Rogerio Dedivitis (Author), Giorgio Peretti (Author), Ehab Hanna (Author), Claudio Roberto Cernea (Author)
The definitive state-of-the-art guide on laryngeal cancer treatment from world-renowned experts
Ongoing advances in innovative technologies have improved the diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal cancer, resulting in more optimal oncologic and functional patient outcomes. Laryngeal Cancer: Clinical Case-Based Approaches, by distinguished head and neck surgeon Rogério R. Dedivitis and internationally recognized coeditors, is a comprehensive reference that presents multiple options for similar lesions. Contributions from a diverse group of globally renowned subspecialists reflect the multidisciplinary treatment of laryngeal cancer.
The book focuses on diverse primary subsites of laryngeal cancer; local, early-stage, and advanced disease stages; and current available treatment modalities for each type. Case study chapters include insightful discussion of several potential approaches, rationale for surgical decision making, radiographic findings, pearls, and pitfalls.
Key Features
Otolaryngologist—head and neck surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, speech pathologists, and all clinicians who treat laryngeal disorders will benefit from this highly informative resource.
Product Details