Colon and Rectal Surgery: Abdominal Operations (Master Techniques in Surgery), 2nd Edition (EPUB)
- Presents easy-to-digest, clinically relevant material from world-renowned colon and rectal surgeons who explain their preferred techniques step by step, including indications and contraindications, preoperative planning, postoperative management, outcomes, complications, and follow-up.
- Covers left and right colon resections performed open and laparoscopically, colectomies, proctocolectomies, abdominoperianal resections, restorative and reconstructive techniques for proctocolectomy and pelvis reconstruction, stomal complications, treatment of rectal prolapse, ventral hernia repair, and small bowel strictureplasty.
- Includes 14 all-new chapters:
- Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision
- Robotic Total Colectomy with Ileorectal Anastomosis
- Robotic Total Proctocolectomy
- Robotic Restorative Proctocolecotmy
- Robotic Abdominoperineal Resection
- Extended Extralevator Abdominoperineal Resection
- Ileal Conduit Construction After Exenteration (Bricker Conduit)
- Posterior Sacrectomy and Reconstruction with Alloderm
- Open Resection Rectopexy
- Robotic Rectopexy
- Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy
- Parastomal Hernia: Laparoscopic Ventral Repair
- Robotic Ventral Hernia Repair
- Ventral Hernia: Component Separation Technique