- Paperback: 240 pages
- Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics; 1 edition (June 9, 2006)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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Challenging Cases in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Vol. 1 1st Edition
Test and enhance your diagnostic know-how and refine your clinical skills with this all-new collection of 50 consice, high-interest case studies. Includes more than 160 full-color photographs and radiographs to illustrate clinical conditions. An excellent training and self -study tool. Each chapter focuses on a single case with a detailed description of patient presentation, self -assessment questions to gauge your knowledge, inlcuding: What is your differential diagnosis? How will you evaluate the patient? How will you treat the diagnosed condition? Step-by-step diagnostic approaches; essential considerations for differential diagnosis, The latest treatment and management recommendations, Practical tips and key issues to keep in mind. Chapters include: Case Reports in Newborns and Infants, Fever and Facial Swelling, Papulopustular Rash, Bullous Lesions, Swollen Eyelid, Waxy, Scaly, Itchy Rash, Pustular Rash, Cat Scratch Wound, Fever and a Rash, Fever, Red Eyes, and Rash, Persistent, Painless Finger Nodule, Visicles, Pustules, and Crusted Lesions, and much more.
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