Other Publisher
Published Year
Edition : 2024
Format : 7 MP4 + 11 PDF files
File Size : 2.65 GB
Program Overview
Columbia University Irving Medical Center invites you to join the leading educators from Columbia University, addressing an overview of high yield challenging scenarios in the management of AL Amyloidosis. Through a combination of lectures and case-based presentations, this course will deliver up-to-date and cutting-edge information that can be directly integrated into clinical practice.
Learning Objectives
-Clinical presentation, diagnostic methods and risk stratification of patients with newly diagnosed systemic AL Amyloidosis.
-Management of patients with newly diagnosed systemic AL Amyloidosis.
-Management of various organ involvement such as heart failure and nephrotic syndrome, autonomic neuropathy and GI involvement in patients with AL Amyloidosis.
-Discuss and develop consensus in guidelines for managing relapsed and refractory cases, including the role of salvage therapies and experimental approaches.
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